Thursday, October 6, 2011

Final iMovie- Interactive Student Notebooks

Below is my iMovie created for my American History students. This movie is intended to help introduce the student interactive notebooks. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Podcast for EDUC552

Below is a link to my podcast for the course Multimedia Authoring. The podcast is taken from a lecture over World War I that I delivered to my 9th grade American History students.

The URL for the podcast is this:

Here is a mp4 of the podcast as well.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

TeacherTube Video

The following link is to a TeacherTube video that I found to be the most interesting for educational purposes.

This video highlights important statistics surrounding current, American education. It draws attention to the static classroom and tries to shed light on the idea that teachers need to "Shake it Up" to rejuvinate the system.

I thought this was especially fitting for this course. It introduces the use of multimedia in the classroom as a means of preparing students for the world and careers around them. Students should not  be confined to lectures and textbooks, but instead they should be introduced to collaboration, multimedia, and inventive ways of presentation of material. This video had upbeat music to keep the audience entertained and effectively used text to grab the audiences attention.

Members of this class should take a look at it, if only to reinforce what we are learning about multimedia use in the classrom currently.

Monday, September 5, 2011

2 Minute iMovie

After exporting my video, the picture and video clarity seems to go way down. I have tried to figure out how to save the file so that the clarity of the original picture remains, but had a difficult time with this. If anyone knows how to fix that problem I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I would love for my work to be quality, especially if I intend on utilizing tools like this in my own classroom.

I chose to do my two minute iMovie on my freshmen cheer team that I coach. I am targeting a population age of around 15, so the music may not be to everyone's liking. :)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Article Review


This week I subscribed to PBS' podcast "Frontline". Listening to the series I am able to gain a better understanding of the happenings around the world. I teach both an American History course and a World Geography course where we incorporate current events. This subscription will help when I am in need of keeping updated on the events going on in the world. I have also found small pieces of the podcasts that could be used in the classroom as an alternative way to present the information. I can see myself utilizing this information quite often. I could plug my iPod in on my drive to work to update myself for the week/day.

I really enjoyed this program. My only "dislike" may be the fact that there are so many! I know that shouldn't be a bad thing, but I felt as thought I had to play catch up to hear all of the past posts. In addition, it updated to my iPod frequently this week, taking up a bit of space.

Overall, I enjoyed being subscribed to a podcast.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

EDUC 552

I previously created this blog for the Peru class EDUC 530: Usint the Internet. Although I have note updated since the course, I am intrigued by blogging and hope to begin incorporating its use in my own classroom. I have utilized a few other "blogging" features that our school provides, and hope to continue the use of these great tools!

Now, to introduce myself:
My name is Lindsey Sullivan and I am in my second year of teaching. (I'm so happy I survived the first!) I teach for the Millard Public School district and am a graduate of the district as well. I am a high school social studies teacher and teach American History, World Geography, and Introduction to Behavioral Sciences. My passion is teaching more of the behavioral sciences but I have really come to love teaching history. I believe a large part of the reason that I enjoy teaching history is that the class is made up of only freshmen students. The freshmen and sophomores are the two grades that I enjoy teaching the most. It might have to do with the fact that they are a still a bit naive. (I said a bit) They tend to still think I'm funny and are more inclined to engage themselves in class. I still do my best to pull that out of the upper grades as well.